Busy Mom? A Home Gym Can Help You Thrive.

Exercise can't relieve all the burdens of motherhood, but it can make life a little easier to manage.

Taking time for a workout, even just a few days a week, can alleviate stress, increase motivation, and help keep a positive frame of mind to handle whatever may come your way.

Moms carry a heavy load— Mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

Wishing the day had more than 24 hours? Busy moms can feel like they are in a constant tug-of-war, being pulled in all directions. With all the financial and family responsibilities, a regular exercise routine can seem like totally unattainable.

The hours in the day pass quickly, like the first sip of morning coffee. Once the evening duties simmer down to fall silent into night, the urge to exercise no longer exists because energy-wise, physically and mentally, you have nothing left to give.

Distance can cost you time when trying to achieve fitness 


With so much to do, the last thing you can afford is to go to the gym or leave the house to run around the neighborhood in order to work up a much-needed sweat.

There are “sitches” that arise when work, kids, life and the unexpected drama hit you out of left field. Usually, the first planned event that doesn’t happen is your workout. What can make this circumstance frustrating is that a mere 45 minutes can make or break attending that jazz dance class or core training group.

For instance, say your Wednesday looks great “on calendar”, with plenty of time slots open for a visit at the gym. It’s not the time spent there that poses the problem — one hour for spin, one hour for sauna, steam and shower (without the kids) is a little piece of heaven. The deciding factor on whether to stick to the fitness routine or bail on it (again) is in the commute, the distance it takes getting from here, wherever that is, to there. Traffic much?

If you have little ones, real little ones, gym time may have an added layer of complexity, daycare. If there is a children’s room for your babies with staff you trust to care for them while you work out, that’s a welcome convenience though it doesn’t mean you’re free from interruption.

One of the most important aspects of engaging in physical fitness is in having the ability to enjoy it fully, in the moment, without distraction. Your child can cry for no reason, inconsolably, or be the brunt of someone else’s misbehaving offspring, forcing you to exit the gym early.

What’s a self-respecting, family-loving modern-day mom to do?

You deserve to feel good— A home gym can help. 

In-home gyms continue to rise in popularity. Having a room in your home for a gym allows you and your family to stay fit without compromising other schedules or cancelling other plans just to make time for it. There are many benefits to having an in-home gym and the tools required to start “packing” (gym word) isn’t painful.

Take the first step to a stronger mind and body right at home. 

When we think of beginning a fitness program or set out to design a room for a workout space, our mind immediately goes to celebrity bodybuilders, social media wellness influencers, or personal trainers we’ve come to know over the years, and what they would include if it was their home gym.

But the benefits of an in-home gym exceed the visible physical attributes we hope to achieve: the increased muscle mass, leaner definition in arms and legs, tightened core, and confident posture.


An in-home gym is the hub that keeps family sanity in place.

In a world that is growing more competitive, building mental resilience, fostering confidence, maintaining a level head, restoring quality of life, and supporting longevity are not just family goals, but the keys to greater wellbeing. Busy moms need to do whatever it takes to strengthen self-worth individually and pass those characteristics on to their family.

A small home gym could be just what the doctor ordered, and the visits won’t cost an arm and a leg.

When exploring home gym ideas, make sure your planning and design strives for convenience, freedom, privacy, personalization, affordability, family-friendly, and time-management goals.

It can be tempting to want to squeeze all your needs into a one-room solution, like having a home office that crosses over into a gym. While the idea may seem reasonable, it’s a pennywise-pound-foolish approach that diminishes the mental health benefits that come from having a separate fitness area to call your own.

With Woodside Homes, you can have the rooms you need to live the life you’ve always wanted. Our Lifestyle Solutions maximize quality of life, through floorplans that provide Work + Space options, allowing families like yours the flexibility to change, in a home that meets you where you are for years to come.

Keep the routine you love, ditch the hassles you hate. 

One of the most compelling reasons an in-home gym makes sense is in the convenience it provides. No more lengthy commutes, crowded smelly locker rooms, waiting for equipment to free up, and wondering where that last person on the lifecycle has been and if they are sick with the latest ick.

Personal fitness easily remains a priority when your gym is just down the hall. Workouts can be seamlessly scheduled into daily routines, early morning, late at night, during a quick break from work, or while the toddlers are napping—that’s what baby monitors are for.

Stay flexible with a home gym

Sometimes it can feel like your schedule is out of your control - you're always changing your plans to accommodate others. An in-home gym lets you stay flexible while still making sure your workouts happen, whether it's between meetings, before putting the kids on the bus, or at 2:00 am when you can’t sleep.

If you’re attached to online group classes or are a member of the Peloton tribe, a room for a home gym lets you turn on and turn up the heat whenever you’re ready. Workout at a pace that’s comfortable without the pressure of a trainer shouting over music you don’t like while fighting for space between other gymgoers. Keep it at arm’s length people.

Having more time and a gym in close proximity (it doesn’t get closer than an in-home gym), helps you stay on track with fitness goals, hit milestones sooner, feel the progress, and have the right to brag about it with friends.


Moms don't get much peace— Make gym time YOUR time. 

Finding mindfulness in an at-capacity yoga class is a counterproductive endeavor. As a mom, you’re in constant search of a moment to exhale and enjoy a sense of peace.

An in-home gym guarantees a realm of privacy so you can focus on letting go of judgment, negative thoughts, and whatever else may be holding you back. Setting time aside for meditation or extended stretching sessions can remove pent up stress in your muscles and joints, and free up movement to rekindle your younger self.

Make your home gym fit your unique style. 

As you get more familiar with the possibilities that an in-home gym has to offer, consider how the space should reflect your workout goals and who you are as an individual. If the home gym room will be used by the entire family, make sure to include equipment and accessories that make them feel part of the experience.

Once you have an idea of the types of workouts to be included, design the layout of the room, and allot extra space for when multiple people workout at the same time.

For cardio enthusiasts, music is the essential accessory to keep the energy going. Having a state-of the-art sound system may be the crown jewel to your in-home gym, but if it’s playing Taylor Swift and your partner prefers Billie Eilish, your workout just went sideways. This is one of many instances where financial discretion matters.

Incremental goals can help stretch your budget. 

While the initial investment in setting up an in-home gym may seem substantial, the long-term cost savings are real compared to a gym membership. Over time, monthly membership fees, transportation costs, and other expenses (lululemon wear and $10 water bottles) can add up.

Equipment can be pricey. No one said you had to purchase everything at once. Design your gym room in increments and look online for used items. If you prefer to buy new, consider retailers that offer buy-now-pay-later programs.

If you hoped for a larger in-home gym but find the costs too prohibitive, a small gym could do the job just as well. Get more creative with the space that’s available by strategically placing mirrors on walls to give the appearance of a larger room or place your home gym in a room with windows.

An in-home gym is a one-time investment you will feel good about for years to come.

Simplify the path to a healthier family 


With an in-home gym, the whole family can have an easy way to pursue fitness activities. Parents are always leading by example, and taking care of your self is one simple way you can teach your kids good health habits without a word being spoken. Best of all, when you choose to work out together you create new memories and closer family ties.

If your kids are involved with extra-curricular activities, getting everyone together for a family dinner can be challenging. You could switch from the typical Sunday night dynamic to start a new tradition: evening exercise routines for the whole family before bed.

As your children get older, an in-home gym will serve as a much-needed outlet for stress. For high school and college athletes, your dedicated gym room will be there to keep them in shape, on- and off-season.

A small gym can change the whole vibe of your home. 

There’s a natural chemistry that happens between people when they work out together. Physical activity, side by side, promotes conversation that naturally flows, deepening human connectivity.

Families can go through tug-of-wars among siblings, parent to parent and across generations, which can create impasses within relationships. Fitness sessions are a great opportunity to clear the air, talk through misunderstandings, and share the day-to-day.

Help your kids build good self-care habits. 

Mental health experts and sociologists have mentioned the virtues of parenting when teaching by example. Exercise can instill valuable life skills empowering children throughout their lives. The discipline and determination that come with consistent exercise support goal setting, time management, perseverance, and resilience.

As a mom, you experience times when life demands more than you believe you can handle, pushing you to your limit. Somehow, you survive and find triumph.

Your children can benefit in the same manner when spending time in an in-home gym. Whether weight training or taking a rumba class, they can test their abilities and go farther than they ever imagined, all in the safety of your home.

A small gym can turn hanging out into working out. 

Busy schedules among friends can make get togethers near impossible. Having an in-home gym opens new pathways for moms, allowing you to do what you love (working out) with the people you love most. Host a few friends for Bikram yoga or wall Pilates and reward your efforts with a glass of wine and a charcuterie board.

Every good workout is made better when followed by a restorative recovery session. Finding tranquility happens by having simple scenic or spa-like comforts by design, making home an oasis. Woodside Homes can help redefine the way you cozy up, with Lifestyle Solutions that bring relaxation to a new level.

Maximize your family's well-being and quality of life. 

Regular physical activity has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved mood, mental health and clarity, and enhanced quality of life.

An in-home gym makes exercise readily accessible to the entire family which makes fitness a more realistic priority, creating a balanced and welcoming household.

Make each nook of your in-home gym special


Each nook of your home gym can serve a different purpose. Channel your creativity and design a space that lives up to your expectations and needs. Thinking about what equipment and other essential items to invest in for your workout routine is just the beginning to all the fun that is yet to come.

Cardio. There are many ways to get the heart pumping and work yourself into a good-for-you sweat frenzy. From treadmills to stair climbers, rowing machines to ellipticals, stationary bikes and spin cyclers, cardio machines provide the mechanism to take your body far without setting foot outside.

Strength training. If building muscle is a primary focus, strength training is the answer, increasing overall power, and boosting metabolism so you can say “Yes” to that soy latte with extra whipped cream. In-home gyms can be equipped with a variety of tools to get your body where you want it to be.

Dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates work specific muscle groups. Add muscle mass by increasing the weight or burn lean muscle for greater definition by lowering the weight used and increasing the exercise repetition. When working with weights, you’ll need a dedicated weight bench and weight belt for proper form and the right support.

Performance tools. Making the most of the body’s framework entails maximizing performance, agility, and coordination. Your in-home gym can duplicate the big commercial gym facility by including restorative equipment meant to increase strength while supporting a gradual wind down at the end of a workout. Medicine and stability balls, kettlebells and plyo boxes test power and balance, requiring concentration, core strength, and cardio output.

Mat routines. Committing to a rigorous physical regimen isn’t just about the “destination”, there will be bumps along the way that can put a crimp or cramp in your style, literally.

Exercise caution in your workout routines by including movements that prevent injury. For those times when you overdo it, and we all do, having a lightly cushioned yoga mat, foam roller, and massage ball will keep you in motion and make recovery an ongoing and blissful process.

The essentials. At this point, you might be at “excitement overload” but don’t forget about the fundamentals. The type of exercise you and your family members enjoy will present varying degrees of shock to the body. Choose flooring carefully to ensure the right amount of cushioning, where needed, and the traction for added support.

The more pieces of equipment, the faster “clutter” happens. Design an in- home gym with storage in mind: include racks for weights, and shelves for performance and recovery tools to stay organized and maximize usable space.

First time buyer? Turn an in-home gym from a possibility to a reality with Woodside Homes 

Buying a home comes with countless hours of research and thinking. You want the home you choose to feel like it's a reflection of you and your family. Woodside Homes creates the opportunity for you to make your home yours with something as special as an in-home gym.

Melanie Stern

Written by Melanie Stern - Apr 16, 2024

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