Our homes say a lot about us. In ways seen and unseen, they tell the story of who we are and what we value. From our kids bikes in the front yard and lovingly landscaped gardens, to how we invest in our family’s safety, health, and future.
At Woodside, we know you put family first. And since our homeowners are like family to us, one of our priorities is building homes that care for you while protecting the health of this planet we all call home. And one of the ways we’re doing that is by becoming Zero Energy Ready.
What is Zero Energy Ready?
Woodside Homes just celebrated Earth Day, and we're continuing to showcase our commitment to the environment. Zero Energy Ready is a program developed by the U.S. Department of Energy. To put it simply, a Zero Energy Ready home is one that is so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most or all the home’s energy use.
What Can Zero Energy Do For You?
Save money

Zero Energy Ready homes are designed and built to be highly energy efficient, which means you could have significantly lower energy bills than in a standard home—and a home with a renewable energy system could potentially eliminate energy bills altogether. Plus, high-quality materials and construction practices can help to lower your maintenance and repair expenses over time.
Feel better
Zero Energy Ready homes hold the Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor airPLUS (IAP) certification, which prioritizes superior indoor air quality. In these homes, advanced filtration and high-efficiency ventilation systems supply fresh, clean air 24/7, while moisture-resistant materials, drainage and other systems keep your home dry and inhibit mold growth—which helps prevent allergies and asthma. And
Zero Energy Ready homes are designed to keep pests at bay, so you can reduce your pesticide use.
Help Sustain Mother Nature
The materials and construction practices used to build Zero Energy Ready homes help conserve Earth’s natural resources and reduce waste. And because they consume significantly less energy, they also emit reduced greenhouse gasses and help you leave a smaller carbon footprint.
We’re Committed to Zero Energy, and You
Woodside Homes has always been dedicated to building energy-efficient homes that help the environment as well as your bank account.
Our list of partners and certifications includes Energy Star, Indoor airPLUS, WaterSense, LEED, and Zero Energy Ready. And now, while we’ve already built some communities that are Zero Energy Ready, we're continuing to build more communities like this that help the environment thrive.
You Take Your Commitments Seriously, and We Do, Too
Just like you do everything you can to help your family live their best life, we’re making an investment in the future of family by building Zero Energy Ready homes—which prioritize sustainability, health, safety and comfort while protecting your home’s value.
What was that we said before? Oh yeah. That’s good for you, and the planet, too.
More and more homebuyers want to do what’s right for the environment on their way to the home they’ve always wanted. Lean on our expertise to help you get there.
Contact us today. Let’s get you home.